Online consultation
Since the global pandemic - Corona - began to sweep the world in 2020, the world had been separated from each other, and the trend towards digital transformation began on the whole world. Corona pandemic forced people all over the world to stay in their homes without going out except in the strictest limits, in addition to avoiding shaking hands and wearing masks and face shields all the time, to try to control the spread of the disease through social distancing as much as possible.
With social distancing, online communication has become an urgent need, especially via video calling, to reduce the chances of infection and avoid crowding in clinics.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa kept pace with that development. He provided an online consultation service via Zoom application for his followers if they want to apply for a consultation without having to visit the clinic, or if their location is outside the country but they want to consult Professor Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa, who has many years of experience and success in the cosmetic world.
Advantages of online consultation with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
• You will not have to visit the clinic.
• There will not be a long waiting time as in the clinic, but you can establish your consultation at the appointment suitable for you.
• You can consult the doctor only without performing any plastic procedure.
• If you are in the recovery period after your plastic surgery with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa and you want to adjust your medications, you can consult him online regarding the post-surgical instructions.
• Applying the best health care for those who are unable to reach our clinic from any governorate in Egypt or any country in the world.
You can book an appointment for you with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa, through the following simple steps:
1. Visit our Facebook page.
2. Click the button to communicate with our customer service via WhatsApp.
3. Write the sentence (Book Online Appointment) in the chat messages for the customer service representative.
4. After that, the customer service representative of Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will contact you to select the appropriate consultation date for you and the doctor and choose the appropriate electronic payment method for you.
5. After that, you will complete the rest of your data and your medical history with our customer service representative.
Now, you have just booked your online consultation with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa, consultant of plastic surgery, body contouring, and Ph.D. in rhinoplasty.
How to get ready for the online consultation with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa?
• You must confirm your pre-scheduled appointment with our customer service representative on the scheduled day.
• Send all your previous examinations, x-rays, or previous prescriptions, whether you have been requested to do so in advance, or if you wish to take the advice of Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa about them.
• Download the Zoom application.
• Ensure you have an appropriate internet quality to complete the appointment with the best possible service.
After your appointment with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa is over, your prescription will be sent through our customer service department, via the number that you have booked with us on WhatsApp, as well as any analysis or examinations that the doctor may have requested from you during your online consultation. Hoping to wait for you on a new date, God willing, in perfect health and the best condition.
Send your message now to the following number 01150001485, and book your online appointment with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa.